Monday, March 14, 2011


Dear Readers,
I was just going to say see you next week but I have some really important business to take care of first. DEBBIE CAME TO CHURCH!! I am that happiest clam alive. She called to say she got messed up with the time change and everything and couldn't go but we promised her blessings like no bodies business and she said, "oh ok that sounds nice!!" and she came. she loved it and felt the spirit. she still has a lot of questions but oh how wonderful she is. We are going to see her Thursday and teach her again. a;klfslkj ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love being a missionary. I shouted halelujah over and over again when she said she would come. MIRacLES happen and it is after the trial of your faith that you receive a witness. CHURCH IS TRUE!
For people that don't know the info the church is at
270 North 300 East Centerville at 12:50 on March 27
I love you all and See you next week. I will email on tuesday not monday next week cuz its transfer week....
Love Sister Holt

March Again (3/7/11)

Happy march to you all.... life is great in the town of Stockton... I love being here. We are seeing some progress in the hearts of these people we are working with. Rachel committed to come to church but then she woke up late and didn't come... so lame but we are going to get her there. No worries. Life goes on and it just gets us one step closer to when she actually will go to church. I'm pretty sure she knows what is going to happen if she goes to church, she knows that she wants to be baptized but she is just not ready for it yet. It will be good its getting there. She said the closing prayer and it was so great. I was so happy.
John we went to see him, his process is a little slower than I was hoping but his wife is slowing it down. I think she is having a hard time getting to church and wanting to go so it prevents him from going. We will get him there I don't fear that at all.
In church I bore my testimony and told everyone thank you and that I love them and it was the last time I would have the opportunity to bear my testimony because I was leaving. Our dinner calendar is completely full, we seriously had members fighting for days so they could feed us before I leave. It was so funny and sister cook said well what about after the 22 who wants to feed us then and well its blank and I felt bad but I will be coming home full and happy hahahaaha.
We met a really great women her name is Debbie, I pray with all my heart that everything goes as planned with her. She is so amazing we knocked on the door and started talking to her, she told us how she loves our commercials they are the best ones she has ever seen. So we set up an appt to go back and she thought for a minute and said, "well my husband is sleeping but if we talk quiet I think you can come in." so we gave her a Book of Mormon and talked to her for a bit. She said she believes things because of how she feels so I said, "How do you feel right now?" Her reply was, "well your inside right? that's a great sign that I feel good" We have our appt tomorrow so I pray that she doesn't fall off the face of the earth like our other "golden" investigators. I have been praying really hard for her since I met her. She really is something special.
Then we met Robin and Robert they have some potential for sure. They have a long way to go but if the get there they will be strong. They really just want to learn what is true and find how they can follow truth. It is great to teach people that want to learn and are willing to pray and ask God if it is true. Thats the only way to know anything. I just think that is so cool, if we do our part and study it out and ponder it... then ask God and that He actually cares enough to answer...? Ahh it is so wonderful I love this beautiful Plan. The Church is so true and I love this gospel with all of my heart.
It has been a rough couple of weeks but I am happy and I am learning to go through with a joyful spirit. I know I need more patience and that might be what the Lord is testing me on right now is patience to endure hard things. I feel I am doing pretty good...always room for improvement but I am getting there. I don't mind messing up and trying over and over to be better, just as long as the next time I really do get better. Thats the hard part.
Well time is gone and I love you all!! until next week chao!!
Love Sister Holt
Be happy and keep smiling

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March (2/28/11)

Dear Readers,,
Hello Hello its a beautiful day here in Cali and I am loving life.......... Thank you for the pictures Sandra.......... I think she is winning right now. Yeah for Bucky being home before me. THat is so great. on to the week this is going to be a short email due to NO TIME AGAIN!!!!
I love being a missionary first of all second happy birthday poppi, JJ, Jen, and Brad (i think its brads in feb right??) Sorry my mind is very forgetful these days. I just know Jen's is today yeah HAPPY day....
Miracles happen. Our wonderful Rachel is home from vacation now and we are so excited, we went over for dinner and taught her all of the plan of salvation. She accepted it and cried (said its cuz she is prego so she is emotional...ha whatever, it's the spirit) We talked to her about coming to church and she committed to come and then remembered she had to go to san fran for a shoe show for workl. so we are gonna get her next week. YEah I am so excited I love this girl so much she is such a wonderful person and would make a great addition to the Brookside ward. SHE IS SO AWESOME!!
We met a new person his name is RJ and he came to church he is 11 yrs old and loves it. We are teaching him now and hopefully his grandma soon she has been sick recently so we have to wait on that. I think it will be good to have him here his best friend is Anthony a recent convert who really loves church so its a good example.
John is doing good we haven't really had an opportunity to see him much because he has had a fever but we have an appt with him tomorrow so I am really excited about that one. We are going to teach him about Joseph Smith and the church being brought back to the earth again. It is going to be a great day.
Star and Will i am not sure what is going to happen with that family. We had a really great lesson with the kids and dad the other day about the plan of salvation and will said the prayer at the end. It makes me really sad all the kids love us and want to go to church but the mom, Star wont let them because she doesn't want to go herself. We went to their house Sunday morning to be sure they were ready for church and she let us know strait out those kids were not going to church. There may have been some very foul language involved in that conversation but we don't give up we are going over tomorrow. Woot Woot. Pray for Star to let us in.
The work goes on no matter what happens and you just have to know tht you did your best and that is all you can do. I know I have so I feel good and happy about my work here in Stockton. I love stockton and I love being a missionary.
Well time to fly.. going to play settlers of catan with the elders. TIme to show them how its done.
Love Sister Holt
Be happy and keep smiling