Welp family, it is 2010 and I am loving it. I can't believe I am in week 4 of the transfer. Two more weeks left and then who knows where I will be? Life is really good. The investigators are amazing and they are going strong.
Ellen is the most amazing women ever. I don't remember what I have told you about her but She is amazing. We have decided to have her read the talk by Elder Holland last April, None Were With Him. She is going to read it and this Sunday she got up in RS to bear her testimony. She talked about her son that died and how she is still not dealing with it. It was over 40 years ago. She told us about different churches she tried out and how she didn't feel anything at any of them but in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints her heart has been touched. She feels the spirit and the lessons apply to her in everyday life. She loves every minute of it. She is completely engaged in the lessons every week. So she wants to keep going to church and She said next fast sunday she would stand up in sacrament meeting and bear her testimony. I love this women to death she is so amazing!!
Scott well this young is being pulled down by temptation and it has a strong hold on him. He really wants to stop doing smoking and drinking but he just doesn't have strong enough will power yet. I say yet because I know it will happen soon. He knows the church is true and he wants it and soon he will do whatever it takes to get him out of this trap he is in.
Roberto is doing really good. He has a sure testimony of the atonement but he is struggling with Joseph Smith and understanding the priesthood. Jin Park is the Branch Mission Leader, he went to a lesson with us and taught the whole thing. It was amazing. I really was impressed with him. he has such passion for this gospel. He is from South Korea and Roberto is from Mexico so they both have american sign language as their second language. They talk to each other well and understand each others situation. It's weird to see them talk they have wave lengths I'm pretty sure.
Ron is AMAZING I love this guy he still doesn't have a home but he still loves the gospel and is doing what he can to be baptized. We teach him at Denny's Restaurant up in Roseville. (Douglas Blvd and Sunrise, you know where bucky?) The people there know who we are it's awesome and they are trying to learn sign because he goes there so much.
Stephanie went to church and she is awesome. She really enjoyed it and had tons of friends. As she left people were running up to her to give her hugs and help her to her car. It was really good to see the branch fellowship like that because they struggle with that sometimes. She said she would come next week and we are going to see her tomorrow.
Sheri didn't come to church, we are not sure why. She lives out in Cameron Park which is about 23.5 miles from the branch so it might have been far for her to drive. We are supposed to visit her tomorrow so we will see what's up and how we can resolve whatever concern she has. She is a good women though, she has a lot of history with different struggles that might be keeping her from progressing so we just need to work with her. It will all work out.
Yesterday we had a great experience. We went on a blitz (knocking on doors in other missionaries areas to help them out) we do it every sunday for different missionaries in our zone. It was really cool, the neighborhood was super nice, they would talk to us but they were not interested. We go for 2 hours. It was getting towards the end of the 2 hours and we knocked on a door. This old women answers she immediately says she is not interested. We don't stop there we keep the conversation going. The longer we talk the longer the spirit has an opportunity to work with her. She tells us about being a Presbyterian for 80 years. She was a great women, we told her how we had a book that could help her get closer to Jesus Christ then any other book on the earth. She said she couldn't get any closer to him. I said what are some questions you have had in your life? I guarantee this book can answer those questions for you. I open the cover of this book and read some questions, she nods. Yes she has some of those questions. I tell her to read them. She says wow that's a big book I don't have time. I immediately inform her the section is only 3-5 pages long. She thinks, "mmmmm I can do that" she accepts this wonderous book. We tell her missionaries just like us will come by and talk with her about the book. She freezes, "why aren't you coming back, how are you benefitting from giving me the book and not coming back?" My heart fell, and told her we benefit because if you open that book you will come closer to Christ and knowing that you are going to do that brings me greater joy than anything else. She accepts the offer and then kindly tells us that she likes us because we were not pushy and people from other religions are pushy. I look at my companion and think, "we were a little pushy, but she didn't think so because you can say anything with love." What a blessing. It was a great testimony to me that if you can keep the person talking they will see that you truly love them and want to help them. They will be more willing to accept your message.
Life is great in 2010 and it's only just begun. I love you all and I hear that there is some news that people need to tell me about so you better get writting me. Sandra what gender, Lindsay you should be finding out soon, and any other news from other members of the family?? And friends I would love to hear from you too...
Love Sister Holt
Be happy and Keep smiling
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