Pic 1 is a beautiful manteca family they are great.
Pic 2 is a beautfiul manteca sky it is great.
Pic 3 is a bea...elders car. see how low it is, that's because we had over 1,000 water balloons in the back and 6 elders. hahah we had a fight today and it was loads of fun. it was over 2 hours ago and i'm still wet. Mom I take after you I got em all you would be proud.!!!!
Hello everyone.
So it's great this week is full of birthdays. Today is my comps birthday she turned 22 and today is my 11 month birthday. Wednesday is my birthday and i turn 22 and it is also her day that she turns 9 months. Cute!! We were meant to be together. So sorry mom but I"m opening my package tomorrow because that is OUR birthday!! YEAH I love birthdays. But it's weird on a mission, holidays don't feel like holidays really.... That is my exciting news for the week. HAve a great week.
No I'm just kidding much more exciting things have happened. Dawna will be baptized this Saturday unless something major happens. ( She has some past sins we are hopping won't keep her from baptisms.) And this last week I went to Manteca with Sister Cook and Sister Fangupo. Both of them I was companions with it was so much fun. It's cool because manteca is a place that i could possibly serve. It's really nice area and the members are super helpful. This week has been super busy and I have loved it we have been trying to see a lot of people and getting Less Actives to church and guess what... we had lot's of less actives to church this week. We are keeping the branch strong as long as we can. It's so great. We have so many investigators that we are just trying to get people progressing. it is so much fun being a missionary here I love the people with all my heart even though they are a little crazy and non committal.
Oh and Jen you best be having that baby on wednesday!!! I won't allow anything else. Yeah for august birthdays. And thanks for all the birthday wishes. I should have birthdays more often it's the most I hear from all of you!! OH and yes mom I got your package thank you!! Sister Stoddard opened it but won't let me touch it till tomorrow morning.
This next week I get to go to Stockton it is gonna be fun. Well anyway time is flying by and I gotta go!! Sorry it's kinda short this week!! I just don't have a lot of time.
Well I love you all and I will write you next week.
Love sister holt
Be happy and keep smiling
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