Saturday, March 14, 2009


Well just so everyone knows, I have failed. I came home for spring break and well lent is on hold until I get back up to Logan. Lindsey called and said she had hot tamales and she wasn't gonna be able to stop herself while she was home so we both broke. My cake is just way to yummy to resist. And sugar how can I live without it? REALLY? and what's the point I'm skinny enough as long as I workout an extra day a week I should be fine to eat my precious sugar. I go back to logan tomorrow I will just have to see if I am capable of not eating sugar.


BAM Holt said...

You are "skinny" enough! You look great...and I say that not just because I'm your father! But, you DO need to be aware that diabetes runs on both sides of your family...runs like thick, golden corn syrup or, better yet, dark chocolate syrup over ice cream...what was I saying about diabetes?

I think I need a snack!

Unknown said...

Sugar is good for the soul :) Just eat it in moderation and you should be fine. I doubt you need to worry about becoming fat from eating too much of it, I wish I had your families metabolisms :)

Anna said...