Monday, December 27, 2010

New baby (11/8/10)

HEllo people
So today is going to be really short because we dont have a lot of time. We have to drive up to Sacramento for a sisters luncheon. I have a healthy baby girl. She is amazing her name is Sister Whittaker from Provo Utah and she is going to the Brazil mission sometime in the future. Who knows when. But the 3 of us are just great together. SHe just goes out and talks to people with no fear. she even did a car contact like her second day. I am excited. And i hope the three of us are together next transfer as well. I can't believe how quickly the holidays are coming up on me. time just whizzes by. But I love being a missionary no greater way to spend the holidays. And its raining again so I have pulled out my scarfs and i'm prolly the happiest person alive in my scarfs and boots. woot!!!!!!
Ok down to the serious business. The church is true. TEstimony meeting was so amazing yesterday. Our famous Derbra Sbragia bore her testimony about missionary work and it made me want to be a missionary even though I already am 1 ahahah but really it was phenominal. I love her. So then the rest of the day was really interesting. We had a lesson with Al. He is a potential investigator. The second time we met him he told the 3 of us that mormon girls have the nicest legs and that we should not take offense to it. he is about 60 years old. And every time we see him he tells us that. He wants to learn more about the church because he learns about all religions. So we went over after church and sat down for a lesson, outside of course. It was freezing cuz it just rained. He asked me a question he said, "Sister Holt, if one of your church leaders was to tell you to do something would you follow your leader or follow your conscience?" I paused and said, "I would pray about it then follow my leader." He then proceeded to tell me for the next 45 mins that I doubted my faith because i paused and if i really believed my religion I wouldn't have to pray I would just say yes immediately. It was rough. No one has ever tried to convience me I lack faith or I don't really believe. My poor comps didn't know what to say either. He wouldn't let me talk and I just felt so broken down. But I know what I believe and he can't tell me I doubt my faith because I know what I got. I just bore testimony about how I know what I believe in and it is just his opinion that I doubt but it was a testimony builder for me. I thought for a second but realized he was so wrong. The Lord gave me this opportunity to grow. Sometimes I wonder if I do have strong faith but when it comes to it. I would never deny what I believe. I would never sway the Lord has proven to me in so many ways and has blessed me with such great things in my life. I am a missionary a witness of Jesus Christ, I represent Him and that is my calling. THat is what I do, I stand in His place and say and do what He would. Well I do my best I'm certainly not perfect. I just wanted all of you to know I believe this gospel I know Jesus Christ lives and because of Him I am forgiven and can become better everyday.
I love being a missionary and working in this great cause. and more to come about the work and the people we are teaching next week. Oh and we tried talking to Lilian about her daughters getting baptized. Didnt' go so well, she thinks this is just a stage they are going through and they will change their mind later in life. So please pray for them that Lilian will understand the importance of church and that their life and happiness depends on this. I know it will happen.
I love you all and have a great week
Love sister Holt
Be happy and keep smiling.

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